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Defined Solutions Management (DSM) - provides a comprehensive and tailored approach to helping organizations meet their ISO requirements.


The focus of DSM is to assist clients in all aspects related to ISO, including preparing for yearly surveillance audits.


DSM provides assistance in the pre-audit process, preparing internal audits, and validating processes, procedures, risk analysis, nonconformance issues, and compliance on a monthly basis.


DSM's services are especially helpful for organizations who may not have the resources and personnel to properly address their ISO needs on a monthly or quarterly basis. Our team of experts can help ensure that your ISO system is up to date and that there are no issues or concerns that may affect your surveillance audits.


If your organization could benefit from DSM's services, please fill out the "Get Started" form or click on the "Let's Chat" button and we will contact you to discuss your ISO requirements. With our help, you can rest assured that your ISO system is compliant and that your organization is well-prepared for its yearly surveillance audits.

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